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Consulting Party

As part of the public involvement for this project, KYTC is seeking input from Consulting Parties.

Opportunity to Become a Consulting Party on Historic Resources


Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act requires Federal agencies to take into account the effects that projects may have on historic and archaeological resources. The goals of Section 106 are to identify historic and archaeological resources potentially affected by a project, to assess the project's effects, and seek ways to avoid, minimize, or mitigate any adverse effects on historic resources.*


Working with Federal agencies, KYTC seeks to meet these goals by consulting with parties who have an interest in transportation projects' effects on historic and archaeological resources.


What is a Consulting Party?


Certain individuals and organizations with demonstrated interest in a project may work as a Consulting Party, helping KYTC meet the Section 106 goals. Individuals or organizations qualify to become a Consulting party because of the nature of their legal or economic relationship to affected properties or their concern with the project's effects on historic properties. Consulting Parties may include affected property owners, business owners, historic preservation groups, or others who are interested in historic resources and preservation.


How Can I Become a Consulting Party?


If you or your organization are interested in becoming a Section 106 Consulting Party for the I-75/KY 14/16 Interchange Project, you can submit a request online by visiting this website, filter by county and select Boone County, and choose Project Number 06-00080.


Alternatively, you may contact KYTC directly. Consulting Parties will have the op­portunity to review and comment on properties' eligibility for historic status, effects recommendations, and potential mitigation measures.


*Reference: Federal Register, Volume 64, No. 95 - Title 36, Chapter VIII, Part 800.

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